International Arcade Museum Library


Issue: 1941 2298

Presto - 1941 2298 - Page 30 – Presented by the International Arcade Museum (IAM)

THE OLD HARMONY MAKES THE NEW MELODY COMPANY THREE WELL KNOWN OFFICIALS OF STEINWAY & SONS RETIRE HERMANN IRION THREE PROMINENT STEINWAY OFFICIALS RETIRE We have just received an announcement from Mr. Paul H. Schmidt, Director of Steinway & Sons, to the effect that three of their prominent officers having reached the age of retirement, resigned as of January 1, 1941. They are F. Reidemeister, Hermann Irion, and Albert Sturcke. Mr. Reidemeister spent his entire life in Steinway Hall without ever taking a real holiday and is going to take it easy. Mr. Sturcke is going to indulge in his love for travel and outdoor life. Mr. Irion is going to devote himself entirely to the National Defense Housing Project, as well as to many civic and charitable organizations with which he has been connected for so many years. Mr. Irion is a director of the Associated Industries of New York, a director of the Merchants Association, a director of the Sixth Avenue Association, and Yice-President of the American Arbitration Association. He is an active member of the United States Chamber of Commerce, the Fifth Avenue Association, the New York Board of Trade, and the National Association of Manufacturers. After so man}' years of helpful and constructive serv'ce. it is easy to see how these men will be greatly missed by their associates of many years in Steinway Hall and also by all those who do business with Steinway & Sons and were in any way brought into contact with these three distinguished servants of the House of Steinway. We hope that everyone of them will realize his dreams and enjoy health and happiness in the years to come. CAGLE AT STEINWAY WITH SOLOVOX Paul H. Cagle playing a Steinway Grand with Solovox attached for Ted Lewis whom he recently entertained in the San Antonio Music Company's Store, San Antonio. Texas, of which Mr. Cagle is General Manager. The following letter from J. II. Graser, Purchasing Agent of the new Melody Instrument Company explains the affairs of the old Harmony Company: "We are pleased to announce that the inventory, machinery and equipment, and good will of The Harmony Company have been purchased by a new corporation recently organized by Mr. Jay Kraus, formerly President of The Harmony Company. In that connection the old Harmony Company has changed its name to Melody Instrument Company, and the new corporation organized by Mr. Kraus will be known as The Harmony Company. Operations of the old Harmony Company were discontinued on December 21. 1940. The new Harmony Company is located at 3631-3633 South Racine Avenue, Chicago, Illinois, and began operations on December 23, 1940. "Invoices for purchases made by the old Harmony Company should be billed in the new name, and such invoices, together with correspondence in connection therewith, should be addressed to Melody Instrument Company, care of Sears. Roebuck and Co., 3333 Arthington Street, Chicago. Illinois, attention of Mr. A. A. Anderson, Department 862. "Invoices for purchases made by the new Harmony Company should be addressed to The Harmony Company. 3o313633 South Racine Avenue, Chicago, Illinois." A NEW STUNT IN ADVERTISING Clifford V. Lloyde. Wurlitzer dealer at Champaign, Illinois, is trying out a new idea in the way of newspaper advertising to promote his accordion band. He intends to take individual pictures of all the band members in uniform and run one or two of these pictures in small 3 or 4-inch ads. The ads will appear regularly in the local papers. 25 YEARS IN BUSINESS 30 YEARS IN MARRIAGE Saladin Music & Furniture Store, Wurlitzer dealer at Santa Maria, California, celebrated the 25th anniversary of the opening of the store on November first. This date also marked the second year in which the store has occupied it» new building. And as a happy climax to this event Mr. and Mrs. William Saladin, distinguished owners of this famous music house, celebrated their 30th wedding anniversary on the same date! Presto Music Times extends its heartiest congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Saladin. J. BRADFORD PENGELLY ADDRESSES CHICAGO DRAMA LEAGUE Just before Christmas J. Bradford Pengelly, Kditor of Presto Music Times, gave a Christmas address to the member of The Chicago Drama League. His subject was "The Dramatic Conflict Between the Caesar Idea and the Christ Ideal." Mr. Pengelly traced the origin of this conflict and its dramatic progress through nineteen centuries down to the terrific climax in the world conflict of ideologies today. This is the fifth time Mr. Pengelly has lectured before this organization which is one of the outstanding groups in America devoted to studying and to promoting drama and the theatre. HENRY P. MAYER RECOVERING FROM FLU We have received word from Mr. Henry P. Maver, owner of the Henry P. Mayer Music House, Paris, Texas, that he has had a hard "go-to" with the Flu. He states that the country around Paris is "loaded" with it and there are a thousand cases in the city. We sincerely hope that Mr. Mayer will speedily recover and enjoy his business activities. CAGLE AT STEINWAY PIANO PAGE THIRTY PRESTO Ml'SIC TTMES Enhanced content © 2008-2009 and presented by MBSI - The Musical Box Society International ( and the International Arcade Museum ( All Rights Reserved. Digitized from the archives of the MBSI with support from NAMM - The International Music Products Association ( Additional enhancement, optimization, and distribution by the International Arcade Museum. An extensive collection of Presto can be found online at

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