February 10, 1923 PRESTO 16 circles in that city, has been made director of the new Community Theater Orchestra. E. M. Olson has sold his interest in the Dodge City Music Co., • Dodge City, Kans., to R. M. Rath of llutchinson, Kans. The business has been incorpoMore Space in Cleveland Enables Robert L. White rated for $30,000. Harry H. Birchman is manager of the new music Co. to Become General Music House. department in the Union Furniture Store, Stoughton, Mass. Considerable additional space has been secured in M. Lienlcr has opened a new music store in Bourthe Arcade, Cleveland, O., by the Robert L. White Music Co., and the large stocks of pianos, talking bon, Ind. The Eagle Rock Music Co., 114 East Colorado machines, musical merchandise and sheet music will make it one of the most complete general music boulevard, Denver, Colo., has succeeded the Hancock stores in the country. Nos. 43, 45 and 47, with a Music Co. John C. Kraus is proprietor. H. L. Rickenbrode, Fairfield, N. Y., has sold his large proportion of the basement in the well known music business to J. L. Thomas. retail building will be occupied by the company. William H. Kipfer has purchased the music busiThe Robert L. \Vhite Music Co., has been a prominent music and musical merchandise house in Cleve- ness of C. C. Christensen in Dwight, 111. land for over thirty-five years and its clientele extends all over the state of Ohio. In brass instruments it is particularly well known and its own brands of brass and string sold under the name, "'Bob White," are favorably known to professionals. The lines of pianos, playerpianos and talking machines have not yet been decided upon by the com- Count Du Barry, Who Got Term on Speeding pany, but it is understood Robert L, White, head of Charge, Outside Looking In. the company, will make the announcement this week. All for the lack of a few paltry commitment papers, Whatever may be his choice, the public expects the Count George Hay Du Barry, head of the Du Barry best. Piano Co., Seattle, Wash., was unable to carry out his resolution to serve his day in jail last week, a»d thus remove the jinx from the superior court judges. NEWSY FACTS ABOUT THE Mr. Du Barry recently was sentenced to twenty-four MEN WHO RETAIL PIANOS hours in jail for speeding. He entered an appeal, which he later withdrew. The Count was particularly anxious to withdraw his Items gathered From Various Sources Relate Inciappeal of the one-day jail sentence for speeding when dents in the Trade Activities. he recalled that the seven judges who condemned his J. J. Collins, vice president of the Reed-French famous ancestor, Mine. Du Barry, died a violerTc death Piano Co., Portland, Ore., has sold his interest to within eighteen months. Also, in his only other court case, decided against him in Vancouver, B. C, the H. G. Reed and retired from business. J. P. McMahon is the new manager of the retail judge died. He did not wish to incur any responsisalesrooms of the Chase-Hackley Piano Co., Muske- bility for the life of the superior court judge who might reject his appeal, he said. gon, Mich. "Can't get into my jail without commitment papers,' David Roth is manager and proprietor of the Roth grumped Lieut. J. J. Haag, the jailer, when Count Du Music Store, Columbus, O., which has just acquired Barry appeared. The proud agreement, all in writing, a lease on spacious premises on High street. between the Count and the chief of police, in which The Lowe Music Co., Punxsutawney, Pa., suffered a he requested the jail term and promised to withdraw loss of $60,000, by tire which destroyed its store his appeal, went for naught. recently. R. G. Haynes is a new man on the sales staff of the ACQUIRES BIGGER STORE. Smith, Barnes & Strohber Co., Kansas City, Mo. This week the Vernon Piano Co., Alliance, Ohio, Twenty-five salesmen of the J. W. Jenkins Sons Music Co., Kansas City, Mo., are enrolled in Pro- will move to the new store recently leased on East gressive Salesmen's Institute formed at the Christian Main street. The firm is one of the oldest in the Ohio city and has built up a big business by strict Church by Dr. Paul W. Ivey. Raymond Smith has been appointed sales manager adherence to a square and business-like policy. The growth of the business calls for the spacious wareof the Hoffman Piano Co., Buffalo, N. Y. George W. Glen, president of the Glen Bros.-Rob- rooms provided by the new store. erts Piano Co., Salt Lake City, Utah, has been elected director of the Chamber of Commerce. NEW DEPARTMENT MANAGER A new decorative scheme has been applied to the I'". S. Ilornung has succeeded J. E. Dockstader as piano warerooms of the Grand Leader, St. Louis. manager of the piano department of the Stix, Baer & Seder Bros., Worcester, Mass.. have added a music Fuller Co., St. Louis. Mr. Hornung was formerly goods department. in charge of the talking machine and radio departThe Hallet & Davis Piano Co.'s line af pianos, ments in the same company. playerpianos and phonographs are handled in the new music department of the Branba-Richlicz FurniBUYS KENTUCKY BUSINESS. ture Co., Milwaukee. Walter J. Prgybylski is L. L. Blankenship has purchased the business of manager. A renewal of its lease for len years on 1240 O the Cleartone Music Co., Inc., Barbourville, Ky., street has been secured by the Ross P. Curtice Co., which was established about two years ago. The old firm name will be retained by the new owner who Lincoln, Neb. John W. Fearnley, head of the Fearnley Music has been associated with the business for the past Mouse, Meriden, Conn., and prominent in musical vear. MUSICAL MERCHANDISE HOUSE TO ADD PIANOS SENTENCED BUT CANT GET INTO SEATTLE JAIL Kindler & Collins Pianos 500-524 W. 48th S MEW YORK Established 1873 MANUFACTURERS OF HIGH-GRADE GRANDS, UPRIGHTS and PLAYER-PIANOS Factory: CHICAGO A QUALITY PRODUCT FOR OVER QUARTER OFA CENTURY Wallace W., a Yale Sophomore, Carries Off Lightweight Honors at Recent Tournament. E. A. Kieselhorst, president of the Kieselhorst Piano Co., St. Louis, Mo., has one kind of "punch," that of making things hum in a piano way in his city; the ability of injecting quick action to any situation that may arise, at any hour of the clay or night of the week or week of the year. It seems that his son, Wallace W. Kieselhorst, of Yale University, has another kind of punch. The story is told in the following item, coming over the wires from New Haven under date of January 31: "Wallace W. Kieselhorst, St. Louis, Mo., is the winner of the lightweight boxing championship of Yale University. The tournament attracted a big field of entries. Kieselhorst is a sophomore and won the title from K. A. Champbell, a senior. Yale holds the intercollegiate boxing championship. "W. W. Kieselhorst is a son of E. A. Kieselhorst, 12 Southmoor. In winning his title, Kieselhorst duplicated the feat of Mark Ewing, well-known St. Louis lawyer and clubman, who was the lightweight champion of Yale, thirty years ago." SERVICE APPRECIATED SAYS MANUFACTURER Many Letters Show Interest in Smith, Barnes & Strohber Line of Pianos. A great number of Mattering letters received by the general office of the Smith, Barnes & Strohber Co., Chicago, attest the popularity of the various pianos manufactured by this company at the Chicago and Milwaukee factories, especially the Strohber Diminutive. This instrument has not been specially advertised of late, but has been the leader in arousing interest and inquiries, as well as making sales, according to members of the company. "The number of orders for all our pianos is very flattering," said Dr. J. R. Wolfenden, vice-president of the company, "especially since it is in a comparatively quiet season. We are gratified to be receiving so many orders, and so many letters of commendation." BITNER'S MUSIC STORE OPENS. One of the recent important events in Hanover, Pa., was the formal opening of its new quarters by Bitner's Music Store at 118 Baltimore street. The arrangements and appointments are after the ideas of Fred C. Bitner the owner, and Mrs. Bitner, who takes an active part in the business and whose taste is evident in the decorations and furnishings. CARRIES HALLET & DAVIS LINE. The Hallet & Davis line of pianos and players is featured by the Solar Music House, Inc., recently incorporated in Chicago with a capital of $100,000. Louis Solar, Sophie Solar and Louis Solar, Jr., are the incorporators. The main store of the company is at 3946 West Forty-sixth street and a branch has been opened at 3946, on the same street. B. G. Gedney. Mamaroneck, N. Y., has moved his business from the Hanser Building to 190 Mamaroneck avenue. THE NECESSARY WANTS ADAM SCHAAF, Inc a' Park Ave. and Fill mo St. anFlllmore andB. &O. C.T. R. R. SON OF E. A. KIESELHORST WINS BOXING CHAMPIONSHIP If you want a Salesman or Workers in any branch of the Business; if you want a Factory, try a Want Ad and get it. Presto Want Ads get results and get them quick. Officvand Salesrooms £21 So. Wabash Avenue POOLE -BOSTON GRAND AND UPRIGHT PIANOS ~ AND PLAYER PIANOS Enhanced content © 2008-2009 and presented by MBSI - The Musical Box Society International (www.mbsi.org) and the International Arcade Museum (www.arcade-museum.com). All Rights Reserved. Digitized from the archives of the MBSI with support from NAMM - The International Music Products Association (www.namm.org). Additional enhancement, optimization, and distribution by the International Arcade Museum. An extensive collection of Presto can be found online at http://www.arcade-museum.com/library/
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